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How can I add all Sites from the entire Web Application? Do I have to add them one at a time!?


The toolkit was designed for Site Owners and Site Collection Administrators. So sometimes a Site Owner may only have access to certain sites but not the web application, therefore the tool does not try to enumerate all of the site collections and sites in a web application automatically.

You have a a couple options to automate adding Site Collections:

  1. Select 'Show Advanced Options'  from the Add Site page:

Then you can import all Site Collections under a given Web Application.

      2. You can bulk import sites using a MS Excel spreadsheet. It just needs one column in it for the Site Collection URLs (not subsites)

To do this,

Click Add Site from the Home tab, then click the “Import” button.

To prepare the MS Excel file, you can get a list of your Site Collections using one of the PowerShell scripts below.

IMPORTANT: This should be a list of Site Collections to be imported. Any subsites that the account has access to will be imported automatically. You should not import using a list of subsites/SPWebs, only a list of Site Collections.

NOTE: You can use PowerShell below to get a list of All Site Collections into a CSV file and you only need to import once to get them listed.

After you have the list of your site collections, use the steps below to create the MS Excel file for import.

  • Create a new MS Excel document and add 2 columns, the first column should be “Site URL” and a second column (optional) to be “Contact Email”.
    • “Site URL” is the URL of the site collection to be added to the Home Page Dashboard.
    • “Contact Email” (optional, can be left blank) is the email address of the person who will receive reports for this site via email notifications. See “Contact Email” section below for more information.

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